Pamoja Kenya 2024
Everything for a better future

What is Pamoja Kenya?

We are the 13th and final generation of the Pamoja Kenya project! During the 2023-2024 school year, we will spend a year raising materials and money to reach our goal in Kenya. Our goal is to raise at least €13,000 and use this amount of money and lots of materials to help the community in Kenya.

The Pamoja Kenya project has created a real sense of family over all these years. The group of students and teachers from the HvA who have made this trip, experience this as something unique and the gratitude from Timothy Lusala and A-STEP is tremendous. In November 2023, Timothy Lusala came to the Netherlands and during this time the reunion of 13 years of Pamoja Kenya was organised. This was a wonderful evening that left us from the 13th generation incredibly motivated.


How can you help us?

This is the thirteenth and last generation of Pamoja Kenya. For thirteen consecutive years, the Sport, Management & Business programme of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, in conjunction with the Kenyan A-STEP, has run a project using sport to help the community in these regions. Through this sports development project, we believe we can teach essential life lessons, social skills, partnerships and relationships to the youth in the region we go to.
We are working all year to raise as many financial and material resources as we can to hand over to the children and organisation there. Every little bit helps and we will be working hard to raise at least €13,000 during the 2023-2024 academic year. You can help us by donating using the link below! If you want to help us in any other way, you can reach out to us on social media or send an email to